
Welcome to the Nettlesome Life. I document my adventures in herbal soap making, growing food, foraging for wild edibles and making things by hand. Hope you have a nice stay!

Rose and Hibiscus Summer Sun Tea

Rose and Hibiscus Summer Sun Tea

We are entering the dog days of summer. The temperature has been hovering around 98-100 degrees, with those kinds of temperatures I let the sun do some of the tea brewing around here. Making herbal sun tea is super easy. My favorite blend this summer has been rose and hibiscus with a hint of hawthorn and lemon balm.

The main herb is hibiscus petals. They are chock full of vitamin c and antioxidants, both excellent for supporting your skin during times of high sun exposure. Rose petals as soothing calming floral flavor. Hawthorne is for heart health and it tastes fantastic! These days most people need a little support for either their emotional or physical heart health. Lemon balm adds a crisp lemony flavor. Lemon balm is a relaxing nervine, known for supporting the body in times of mental stress.

I use a half gallon jar to make this tea. You can half the recipe but a half gallon will give you 8 or more servings.

Recipe: Rose & Hibiscus Summer Sun Tea


  • 1 cup hibiscus petals

  • 1/4 cup of rose petals

  • 1/4 cup lemon balm leaves

  • 1/4 cup hawthorne berries

How To:

In a 1/2 gallon mason jar place all the herbs. Fill the jar with water to the top. (If you have access to a spring, use that. Spring water or “living water” as I like to think of it since it hasn’t been chlorinated has a superior flavor to tap water.)

Put a lid on the jar and place the jar in safe place in the sun. I let it steep all day and bring it in when I check on the garden in the evening. Put the whole jar in the fridge to chill.

I serve the tea mixed with mineral water if you want some fizz. This tea is unsweetened and can be a bit tangy for those not used to unsweetened hibiscus. Feel free to add honey or fruit juice or even some actual muddled sweet fruit.


Note: If you make this let me know in the comments below!

Garden Update: August

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Garlic Harvest: My Favorite Edible Medicinal Plant

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