

Hello, my name is Kathryn.

Welcome to The Nettlesome Life! I’m so glad you’ve taken the time to find me. I’m an avid fan of plants and that’s why I became an herbalist. I love to grow plants for soaps, food, tea, medicine and natural dyes. I’m also learning to forage for wild edibles and medicinal plants. I dabble in making just about anything I can from scratch: food, soap, clothing, bookshelves, you name it. Because you never know when a new skill will come in handy.

I am the owner and creative mind and hands behind the Nettlesome Pantry. If you are looking to create a life that is a little more on the nettlesome side, you’ve found the right place. Buying local and handmade goods is now easy and rewarding. With every purchase you are supporting a small, female run business. I make every item in my shop myself. Whether it’s amazing smelling soap or handmade baskets, you can be sure I’ve had a hand in it.

My motto is simple, natural, handcrafted. Simple means as few ingredients as possible in my soaps. Natural means you won’t find anything you wouldn’t put in your kid’s mouth. I have kids and they have on occasion attempted to eat my soap while in the bath and I didn’t worry at all. That means it’s safe for you and for the environment. My soap ingredients and other items in my shop are responsibly sourced and organic when possible. Handmade means, I had a hand in it. From raw ingredients selected from eco-concious vendors to boxing it up and shipping it to you, I was there as much of the way as possible. A nettlesome life is one that requires hard work and connection to the things you bring into your life and home.