
Welcome to the Nettlesome Life. I document my adventures in herbal soap making, growing food, foraging for wild edibles and making things by hand. Hope you have a nice stay!

Behind the Scenes: The Product Photography

Behind the Scenes: The Product Photography

Running a small business has so many corollaries with being a stay at home mom (or dad). You say your job is stay at home parent, but really your job is chauffeur, maid, cook, educator, CEO and a zillion other job depending on your hobbies or situation. You might also be a farmer, an engineer, you get my point, lots of jobs all rolled into one job.

In the case of this small business, Nettlesome Pantry, I am the owner, soap and products maker, marketer, blogger, shipping department, customer service and the photographer.

Photographing my handcrafted products has been an interesting learning curve. How do you photograph something that is sold by it’s smell? The trick is to make it look beautiful. I thought I would share with you a little sneak peak at what my mini photo studio looks like. On this day I was photographing the new line of fall colored wash cloths.

The backdrops I use are from Replica Studios another small business! They are a fantastic and enthusiastic company. I feel very good about supporting them. (No affiliate or sponsorship, I just like them and thought you might want to know where I got the backdrops.)

Listing a product on the website involves a lot more then just posting a photo and writing a description. It takes making the product, planning out how to photograph it, gathering the materials for the shoot, photographing, post processing, then creating the listing, writing compelling copy and making sure to tick all the SEO and social media keywords. All that makes it feel like creating the product is easy part!

Ok, back to soap making!

Putting Up Fruit for the Winter: A Nectarine Harvest

Putting Up Fruit for the Winter: A Nectarine Harvest

Garden Update: September

Garden Update: September